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Site Remediation

Sites undergoing intrusive remediation have the potential to release contamination into the ambient air. To mitigate this problem, many regulatory agencies require that a Perimeter Air Monitoring (PAM) or Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) be written and implemented.


The scope and requirements of PAMs and CAMPs vary depending on the duration of the project, the proximity to receptors, as well as the types and amount of contamination.  They are focused on protecting receptors (surrounding community, on-site personnel, adjacent properties/businesses, nearby residences, and the general public) from airborne site constituents, identifying air quality monitoring requirements, and managing response measures.  


Potential Receptors
on Remediation Sites

  • Surrounding community

  • On-site personnel

  • Adjacent properties/business

  • Nearby residencies

  • General public

What can we detect?

  • VOCS

  • SVOCS*

  • PAHS*

  • Chlorinated solvents

  • Particulate matter/dust

​*monitored via dust as a surrogate, with fixed-base laboratory confirmation required

Please contact us for a comprehensive list of what compounds our equipment
can detect

PAMs and CAMPs written for site remediation projects usually require air monitoring equipment. AirLogics monitoring equipment protects receptors by generating real-time data and alerts that facilitate early detection of exceedances and allow site managers to respond. Responses may include engineering controls and/or work practice modifications, which limit exposure to the surrounding community, on-site personnel, adjacent properties/businesses, nearby residences, and the general public.  


AirLogics’ air monitoring equipment was quite literally born on a remediation site. See our History. Since 1998, we’ve amassed experience on many types of environmental site remediation projects, including:   

  • Manufactured Gas Plants (MGP) sites

  • Superfund and CERCLA clean-up sites

  • State regulated remediation sites

  • New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP)-led sites.

  • New York DER-10 sites

AirLogics has a variety of real-time monitoring equipment that can be useful in site remediation projects, including monitors for dust as a surrogate for metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chlorinated VOCs, and other constituents.  See our Services and Equipment page for more information on our

monitoring equipment.


AirLogics can assist you in the development of your PAM or CAMP and provide expertise to implement it with
and/or for you.

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150 Cooper Road, Suite I-24, West Berlin, NJ 08091

Tel: 908.803.1014


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