Services Levels
Please read below to understand how AirLogics’ unmatched level of service compliments our state-of-the-practice monitoring equipment. Although our monitoring equipment is provided to our clients on a rental basis – we do not operate like a typical environmental equipment rental company.
Level 1
Turn-Key (On-Site)
AirLogics’ Turn-key service option offers a “soup to nuts” approach, including:
• Pre-mobilization planning and conceptual design
• Mobilization, equipment set-up, and background monitoring
• Full-time operation and maintenance (O&M) by an on-site AirLogics technician
• Confirmation sampling and Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QA/QC)
• Data management and reporting
Our services begin well-before mobilization. We help you plan your air monitoring program to meet the project and/or regulatory requirements. We can assist in the development of perimeter air monitoring plans, conceptual site models, or work with existing plans.
During mobilization, AirLogics staff select appropriate monitoring station locations, procure ( power to each location, physically place the hardware for the equipment, install security fencing enclosures, establish the base operation center at a staging area, and power up the system. Also, before construction/demolition activity is conducted, we will develop and implement a background monitoring plan, consistent with the approach for the full-scale monitoring program, to establish ambient air quality conditions. This data is used to determine action levels and other parameters during the full-scale program.
Once the project is live, an AirLogics professional is full-time, on-site to perform daily operation and maintenance (O&M) of the system. If the equipment’s alarm notification system generates an alert due to an exceedance or other disruption, on-site staff can quickly investigate and resolve it.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
The instrumentation of AirLogics equipment is meticulously calibrated and maintained according to manufacturers’ recommendations. System Gas chromatagraphs (GCs) are calibrated daily with the appropriate calibrant gases and high purity zero air. Particulate meters are calibrated using clean air filters according to instrument manuals.
The monitoring data output and timing of reports can be flexibly configured to meet your reporting preferences or requirements —daily, weekly, on-demand, or at project completion. Reports can reflect varied time-weighted averaging scenarios, include details on any exceedances and action levels, and be provided to the client in electronic and/or hard copy format using a common spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. Graphic summaries area also included for a quick-read of the information.
Level 2
Full Service
If you have the staff capabilities and prefer to conduct the daily O&M of your AirLogics monitoring program in-house, we will train your staff to do so. With this option, AirLogics continues to provide day-to-day support, respond to requests for assistance if alarms occur, and be involved in the data management and reporting.