Today, the NJDEP released the long-awaited new technical guidance document on Perimeter Air Monitoring. It is located in their on-line Guidance library here. In the works for over 10 years, this guidance applies to sites undergoing remediation under the Contaminated Site Remediation & Redevelopment Program (CSRRP).
We at AirLogics believe that this guidance document has the potential to change the way LSRPs go about remediation in much the same way that the Vapor Intrusion Guidance (VIG) changed the way that LSRPs perform site investigations.
LSRPs and the regulated community now face the challenge of understanding and implementing the technical guidance. Don’t worry - AirLogics is here to help!
In fact, AirLogics was invited by the NJDEP to be involved in the stakeholder process. We are proud of our contributions, which were informed by our 25 years of experience with designing and implementing perimeter air monitoring programs in New Jersey (since 1997!). Let our experience in the field and knowledge of the new guidance help you!
Contact us today for support. Call 908-803-1014 or email marc.hudock@airlogicsllc.com.