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Air Quality Monitoring Opportunity Grant

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has announced that $2.1 million in funding is available for the Disadvantaged Community Air Quality Monitoring Opportunity grant. Grant amounts will vary from $100,000 to $500,000, and matching funds are not required.

The goal of the grant is to help non-profit groups working in communities that may be disproportionally affected by air quality get data that’s most important to them. You can see which communities qualify using NYSDEC’s DECinfo Locator.

  • Open the map and zoom into your community,

  • Open the “Public Involvement” tab and check off the “Disadvantaged Communities” map layer on the left.

  • Communities that qualify for the grant will be highlighted in light purple. If you’re not seeing any results, you may have to zoom in further.

The grant stipulates that as much information as possible on the pollutants of concern, and suggested reduction measures, be submitted.

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 by 3:00pm, with awards to be announced in September. The full grant document is available from NYSDEC.

Airlogics can assist with your grant application and serve as your air monitoring contractor. We’ll work with you to develop the necessary grant materials, including instrumentation lists and monitoring plan outlines, and help you find the existing air quality information needed. To learn more, contact Marc Hudock at

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