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Indoor Air Quality

Some people spend up to 90% of their work day indoors. Therefore, it’s not surprising that indoor air quality (IAQ) has a major impact on comfort, productivity, and short and long-term health.  Numerous studies have shown that healthy buildings produce healthy workers who deliver better results when air monitoring is measured.


Indoor air pollutants contribute to a variety of adverse health conditions. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), combustion fumes, and airborne particulates can trigger symptoms such as headaches, nausea, asthma, and respiratory irritation. While introducing outdoor air into buildings generally improves indoor air quality, poor outdoor air quality is not always the final solution. 


AirLogics monitors indoor air environments in real time.  Collecting this data allows building managers to identify and promptly fix any deviations in indoor air quality metrics. We can also  support  your  “well-building” certifications (i.e., “WellCertified”© the International WELL Building Institute or comparable organizations) which are becoming increasingly important to tenants. 

Our The AirLogics equipment can monitor the following
indoor air constituents of concern:

Particulate mass 
Carbon dioxide 
Carbon monoxide 

Nitrogen dioxide 
Total VOCs 


We Our equipment can also measures important parameters
such as temperature and humidity.

A special note about cannabis operations and terpenes:

AirLogics owns a new field Gas Chromatograph (GC) that is capable of detecting terpenes.  Terpenes are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in cannabis.  Evaluating and analyzing terpene content can be useful in certain phases of the cannabis growing cycle and/or facility air quality management. For example, growers may wish to know the terpene content in their plants relative to decisions about plant maturity, future medicinal use, and/or air quality.

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150 Cooper Road, Suite I-24, West Berlin, NJ 08091

Tel: 908.803.1014


© 2024 by AirLogics, LLC All rights reserved. 

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